The world revolves around MY belief, damnit
How are you on the theory that the Earth goes around the Sun?
Because, it seems to me, Intelligent Design is on an equal par with primitive people's theories about The Heavens: Admit it, please -- it really seems obvious that the Sun and the Moon revolve around the Earth. They come up on one side of the sky, they go down on the other side.
But you (you educated thing, you) know that this is just the way it seems, right?
Assuming you accept that the Earth goes around the Sun, I hope it's because you've accepted the accumulated evidence in favor of this theory. If you're just accepting the words of authority, I wish you'd investigate the evidence yourself, and see why you're justified in believing it all on your own, without authorities to tell you what reality is.
So? So, in exactly the same way that it seems obvious that the Sun goes around the Earth, it seems obvious that life and everything couldn't have "just happened all by themselves."
I'm driving at two things here -- one, you can do some research yourself and educate yourself about the mountains of evidence from many fields of knowledge supporting the theory of Evolution (and in the process have your mind boggled by how fascinating and wonderful it all is)...or two, you really ought to be consistent and go with your gut feeling on the whole Sun and Earth thing.
I mean, if you're going to go with what seems obvious as your main Criteria of Truth, then you can't be selective in applying this criteria.