Working Theories

A workable theory is beautiful in itself, even if it is describing how things got so fucked up.

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Location: North of Los Angeles, Southern California

Excellent lapel button: "Help, I'm living with an unpublished writer" .................................. twittering @turboeasteregg

Monday, September 12, 2005

FYI your current power outage

So we're sittin' here at work, and we're hearing that several of our other offices (including Payroll) are currently in-the-dark.  Power outage.  Considering going home.  Our power flickered this morning, but didn't go out (which is good, since we're in the basement, and it's surprisingly DARK when the lights all go out).

Gradually we realize that this means that much of Los Angeles must currently be in the dark, given the disparate locations of our other offices.  So, in curiosity, I go looking on the web for any available info...vaguely, in the back of my mind, I may be seeing Tommy Lee Jones falling into a sinkhole at Wilshire and the 405, and we're all none-the-wiser since we have no TV to turn on....

Can't get to -- my browser claims the site doesn't exist, and then suggests that I might like to visit the "related website"  Hmm.

Can't get to local -- same browser message as above.

I try news, type in "los angeles power outage" and get a link to the following article, for the San Luis Obisbo times website:

Posted on Mon, Sep. 12, 2005
M O R E   N E W S   F R O M   
 * Power Failure
Major power outage in part of Los Angeles
Associated Press
LOS ANGELES - A major portion of Los Angeles lost power Monday afternoon.
Outages were reported from downtown to the San Fernando Valley.
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power did not immediately have an explanation for what happened.

Gee, um, thanks for that.



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