Working Theories

A workable theory is beautiful in itself, even if it is describing how things got so fucked up.

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Location: North of Los Angeles, Southern California

Excellent lapel button: "Help, I'm living with an unpublished writer" .................................. twittering @turboeasteregg

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Shift in perspective

I enjoy exchanging greetings with one of the custodians in our building. His voice is very unique -- imagine your stereotypical Jamaican, mon, give him a tenor range and imagine that he's smoked for twenty years to give his voice that broken, gravely quality.

Now have him sing-song, "Hello, byootiful gul..."

See how it brings a smile to your face?

The other day, my fun little thing got a little bit spoiled by Her Girliness -- she went around a corner in front of me, and I heard his unmistakable voice say, "Hello, byootiful queen..."

Yeah, damnit. It was my personal little fun thing, and she has to go and one-up me. And I can't imagine she appreciates it as much as I do, either. I don't get that many compliments, so I value them.

Anyway, just now, I saw a different woman turn a corner, and heard him say joyfully, "My byootiful queen!" and she responded pleasantly to him.

So, for what it's worth, my nick-name is now the unique one, so I feel better about it again. Who knows, maybe he uses "queen" for women with long hair....or older women....

...ooh, that would be good. Let's tell ourselves he probably only calls older women "queen"....

(cuz Her Girliness is a few years younger than me.)

Morale is up.



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