Working Theories

A workable theory is beautiful in itself, even if it is describing how things got so fucked up.

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Location: North of Los Angeles, Southern California

Excellent lapel button: "Help, I'm living with an unpublished writer" .................................. twittering @turboeasteregg

Friday, August 29, 2008

Recess is almost over....

The reign of Boomer terror in the white house is over. Sara Palin was born in 1964 -- she's one of my generation of Nomad "Thirteeners."

Goodness gracious, of apathy I sing,
the Baby Boomers had it all, and wasted everything.
Now recess is almost over, and they won't get off the swing!
--Kevin Gilbert, from his album "Thud."

Link to album info, and music clips:


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